5 mar 2015

Buildings and Classical Groups - Garret

This book describes the structure of the classical groups, meaning general linear groups, symplectic groups, and orthogonal groups, both over general fields and in finer detail over p-adic fields. To this end, half of the text is a systematic development of the theory of buildings and BN-pairs, both spherical and affine, while the other half is illustration by and application to the classical groups. The viewpoint is that buildings are the fundamental objects, used to study groups which act upon them. Thus, to study a group, one discovers or con­ structs a building naturally associated to it, on which the group acts nicely. This discussion is intended to be intelligible after completion of a basic graduate course in algebra, so there are accounts of the necessary facts about geometric algebra, reflection groups, p-adic numbers (and other discrete val­ uation rings), and simplicial complexes and their geometric realizations. It is worth noting that it is the building-theoretic aspect, not the algebraic group aspect, which determines the nature of the basic representation theory of p-adic reductive groups.

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