18 jul 2023

Electric power transmission System Engineering Analysis and Design


From the Publisher
Provides an up-to-date account of electric power transmission lines along with the techniques and models used in transmission system planning and analysis. Basic material is carefully explained as are the vocabulary and symbols used by the industry. Text is divided into two parts: electrical design and analysis and mechanical design and analysis. The first section covers transmission line parameters, steady-state performance, system protection, insulation coordination, disturbances and other problems such as components and sequence impedances, balanced and unbalanced faults, corona, radio noise and audible noise. The mechanical design and analysis section covers construction of overhead lines, insulator types, conductor vibration, sag and tension analysis, and more. Contains many examples, problems, illustrations, tables and references.

Although many textbooks deal with a broad range of topics in the power system area of electrical engineering, few are written specifically for an in-depth study of modern electric power transmission.

Drawing from the author’s 31 years of teaching and power industry experience, in the U.S. and abroad, Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design, Second Edition provides a wide-ranging exploration of modern power transmission engineering. This self-contained text includes ample numerical examples and problems, and makes a special effort to familiarize readers with vocabulary and symbols used in the industry.

Provides essential impedance tables and templates for placing and locating structures

Divided into two sections―electrical and mechanical design and analysis―this book covers a broad spectrum of topics. These range from transmission system planning and in-depth analysis of balanced and unbalanced faults, to construction of overhead lines and factors affecting transmission line route selection. The text includes three new chapters and numerous additional sections dealing with new topics, and it also reviews methods for allocating transmission line fixed charges among joint users.

Uniquely comprehensive, and written as a self-tutorial for practicing engineers or students, this book covers electrical and mechanical design with equal detail. It supplies everything required for a solid understanding of transmission system engineering.

Formato: PDF
Idioma: Inglés
Peso: 42 MB
Host: MEGA
Contraseña: NO

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