7 abr 2015

Borland C++ Builder - The Complete Reference - Herb Schildt

The Most Comprehensive Guide to Borland C++ Builder

Learn to build high-powered applications quickly and easily with help from this in-depth guide. Inside you'll find comprehensive coverage of the entire C++ language and the C++ Builder integrated development environment (IDE). This incomparable reference is divided into four parts, and organized by topic. Part One covers the foundation of C++, including its control statements, operators, preprocessor directives, and data types. 

Part Two details the extensive C++ Builder library. In Part Three you will explore object-oriented programming (OOP), learn about classes and objects, constructors, destructors, polymorphism, inheritance, exception handling, templates, and much more. Also, you'll get details on the standard template library (STL), one of C++'s most powerful, advanced features. Part Four covers the C++ Builder IDE, and explains how to create, compile, and run applications -- and how to fix bugs using the debugger. And, numerous ready-to-run examples are included throughout, making it easy to apply what you've learned.

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